Finding inspiration for your book can be challenging, and many individuals tend to procrastinate while waiting for it to strike, almost as if they were sleepwalking. However, there are several crucial elements that can assist you in crafting an extraordinary piece. I have compiled 14 invaluable tips for article writing.
Interestingly, most people are unaware of the tremendous benefits that discipline can offer, and I learned this lesson through personal experience.
The foremost action you need to take is to simply get started! Think of it as turning on a faucet. If you wait for someone else to come and open it for you, you’ll be waiting indefinitely. However, if you take the initiative and assume responsibility yourself, you can turn on the tap immediately! So, start taking action right away!
When you embark on your writing journey, it’s highly likely that your initial direction will be off course. It’s similar to leaving your garage, slowly driving out of your driveway, navigating through your neighborhood, and only picking up speed once you hit the highway!
Now, let me share with you the steps to write an article that have been proven to be effective every time. Writing an article is not a daunting task, but the challenging part lies in getting started. This is because your brain needs time to adjust. Follow these tried-and-true steps:
When crafting an article, envision the reader’s experience as a mountain hike. Imagine a small mountain, and you are the guide leading the hiker to the summit. It shouldn’t be overly arduous to reach the top, and you need to provide encouragement along the way. If the ascent is too steep, people give up. If it’s too flat, it becomes monotonous. The reader should be enticed to continue reading because the view from the top is absolutely breath taking!
Writing can be ‘attacked’ from two main angles. The feminine and the masculine.
The feminine is to wait for inspiration – and that often takes quite a while.
The masculine way is action! Get started! Just write! Then inspiration WILL flow!
It is like when you forgot the name of some famous actor but you can almost remember it. You try the masculine way to remember with force but the more you try the harder it gets.
Then you let go. And suddenly the name pops up – when you relax.
The masculine always comes first. Even in evolution. The feminine will always follow. And this has NOTHING to do with men and women!!!
Don’t wait for inspiration! Just start writing even if it makes no sense
Do not wait around for inspiration! Begin writing, even if your writings initially seems like nonsensical rambling!
Just start typing without concerning yourself with how mediocre it may appear. Embrace it, even if it feels inadequate. Within a few minutes, you will notice improvement. This approach invites inspiration to join the process, gradually but surely! It is akin to starting a car – you don’t instantly accelerate to 80 mph in the blink of an eye! Instead, you begin slowly and naturally gain momentum. A fantastic technique is to read an article that you enjoyed and challenge yourself to surpass it in your own language, incorporating your unique perspective and ideas.
If you find yourself completely devoid of ideas, kickstart your writing journey by crafting a review article about one of your favorite things or perhaps something you strongly dislike. Alternatively, seek out an existing review or article online and enhance it! Add your personal touch, bring something fresh to the table, and elevate the content to new heights.
I do not write the book from the beginning to the end. I write the events and things that has the most impact on ME! In other words I write the sections or chapters or paragraphs I have a burning passion for. There is always some episodes in a book that is more energetic than others. I start with them and eventually I “write” them together. Connect them so to speak.
Writing the passionate events first inspires me to put more emotion or passion into the otherwise trivial passages.
Forget about typos When You Start Writing
For many aspiring writers, this technique proves effective: Discard Typos from Your Mind When Initiating Your Writing Process
In the initial stages, do not dwell on typos and punctuation. Instead, give yourself the freedom to dive in with full enthusiasm and unleash your creativity. At this stage, proofreading takes a backseat as the primary focus should be on nurturing your creative flow, rather than fixating on perfect spelling or grammar.
When you get more experienced your flow will improve and you will make less typos.
How to use Power Words To Spice Up Your Story
Utilizing Power words effectively involves employing simple and comprehensible language while incorporating a generous dose of descriptive words to evoke specific moods or feelings in the reader. It is crucial to avoid unnecessary verbosity and instead utilize expert phrases that can be easily understood. This technique is often referred to as Storytelling because it offers an element of entertainment.
One way to achieve this is by creating a sense of anticipation. For instance, you can start by saying, “I will reveal the secrets of crafting something truly remarkable. However, before we delve into that, let’s first examine the fundamental aspects!”
As you progress through the basics, you should gradually intensify the anticipation, building it up until the climax when you finally disclose the key point. The objective is to deeply resonate with the audience and tap into their concealed desires. To achieve this, infuse your writing with emotion, as it has the power to evoke those hidden needs within them.
Inject Passion and Infuse Excitement into Your Articles
Always prioritize substance and rich content. Avoid creating superficial or shallow articles that fail to captivate readers. Unless someone finds themselves in the restroom of a correctional facility, desperately seeking any form of reading material, nobody wants to waste their time on such uninspiring content. Once you’ve completed writing your article, conduct thorough research to enhance it further. This will provide you with additional inspiration to incorporate into your piece.
Approach your writing as if you were the esteemed Washington Post, possessing exclusive rights and an unparalleled grasp of the subject matter. Write with the authority and expertise of a professor in the field, ensuring that your readers perceive you as a knowledgeable figure. On your About Page, humbly showcase your extensive experience in the respective area, establishing yourself among the experts. Avoid overly complex scientific jargon, but consider including a brief exclusive biography with a small image at the end of the article.
Avoid passive language and steer clear of relying too heavily on past tense. Instead, write in the present tense, projecting a dream or envisioning a future outcome. Begin sentences with phrases like “What if…” or “Imagine for a moment…” to engage readers’ imagination and curiosity.
For instance, consider the following: “What if you possessed unlimited financial resources to pursue your desires? Imagine, just for a moment, leading a lifestyle that brings you daily joy.” Contrasting this with the passive version: “Imagine if you had a lifestyle that made you happy.” You can readily discern the difference between passive and active sentences, can’t you?
Establishing Authority in your Writing
Ensure that your article is supported by strong and compelling arguments, presenting both sides of the topic whenever possible. This approach enhances the credibility of your piece and engages even those who may initially doubt your perspective. In the United States, this concept is reflected in swing states, where Vice Presidents are chosen to represent certain viewpoints of the President’s opponents.
Maintain high-quality and accurate content. Conduct thorough research and avoid disseminating incorrect information. Accountability is essential.
Research is Gold!
Format Your Writing
Last century paragraphs in books were massive. And we liked it. But…
Today we use more space. We design shorter paragraphs. Like this text.
Enhance the readability of your text by using paragraphs consisting of only a few lines. Aim for 2-3 lines per paragraph. Incorporate subheadings to establish a well-structured and easily digestible article.
Consider using images, illustrations or info graphics.
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