I have seen fascism. I have seen totalitarian regimes. I have experienced on my own body what psychopaths can do. Fascism and psychopaths are very tightly connected. Actually, the higher up you rise in almost any hierarchy, you will find that leaders become more totalitarian and less understanding. More psychopaths and less caring.
The mechanism is: Power equals corruption! EVERY TIME! The more power the more corruption. That’s why I NEVER believe a politician. They tell us what they want us to believe so they can keep their power or get more.
In 1985 only 1% of public information was on a computer. in 2000 it is 99%!
This means a lot of things.
We have a great relationship with the FBI. We work with honest and realistic officers. BUT Governments are much more in control now because knowledge is power. We live in a fascist state, a surveillance state, and our rights are slowly being stolen from us! After 911 you can be held back and emprisoned for ever. The FBI/CIA only has to suspect you of a terrorist crime. The accusation does not have to be substantiated. A simple unfounded claim is enough for the government to put you in a dark hole for ever!
The FBI can LEGALLY obtain your search history without any warrant and they can and they do insert anything they want in YOUR search data so it looks compromising. The government can perform (they already do) mass surveillance and no one can do shit about it, because the patriot act eliminates the first amendment. This mean they can crack down on any movement, like organizing against the Keystone Pipeline or occupy wall street before they can organize anything – simply by inserting child porn in your search history.
My point is: No human being is able to handle power! The more power you get the more corrupted your soul gets! That’s why we are fucked.
We have only two things left. Our voices and our weapons. And they are now trying to silence us with fact-checks and censoring.
Slowly over time, the control over us increases and the government’s power also increases. We no longer have to fear George Orwell’s future. It’s already here…